Mural / Wandarbeiten


see also:  News/Shows

Frac Centre-Val de Loire, Orléans, 2020, Invisible Worlds - beyond secrets 
dimension: 6 x 5m and 6 x 4m, Mural, Foto: Martin Argyroglo

Insitu Wandarbeit, Mural, im Frac Centre-Val de Loire aus der Serie "Invisible Worlds"

Invisible Wporlds is a free-hand brush drawing straight onto the wall and is based on pencil drawings made over a number of years, mainly while travelling. It consists of networks of lines, reminiscent of maps but bearing no discernible relationship to existing places, hence it is neither an exercise in mapping, nor in transmitting information. The pictures arose from the interaction between the process of wandering around previously unknown places and automatic drawing. Some were sketches created during night flights looking down on towns and cities delineated by their lines of lights stretching out into the directionless darkness. The work is concerned with the way we move around in the world and the way different places overlap in our memories.
Drawing is a way to achieve grounding, combating the sense of disorientation in a strange world.
The drawn landscape constitutes a second layer overlaid over the real landscape. Illegible concepts generated by handwriting movements are interwoven with the drawing, words I have picked up and carried around with me until the moment comes to scatter them into the drawing.
The enlargement of the drawing to cover several walls creats the impression of a panorama.
The viewer is obliged to turn their body to see the whole thing. What they see is simultaneously open to interpretation and nothing specific, it is both something and nothing. To be able to read the work, to enter into it, the viewer must draw on their own background.                                 



Invisible Worlds - beyond secrets, size: 6 x 5 m, Mural (detail), Frac Centre Val de Loire, Orléans, 2020, Foto: Martin Argyroglo


Mural, Invisible World, Frac Centre Val de loire, Orléans, curator Abdelkader Damani, Map,art and migration, Kunst und Migration, Wanderbewegung, Wandern, Reisen, Photographer Martin Argyroglo
Invisible Worlds - beyond secrets, Mural, size: 6 x 4 m, Frac Centre Val de Loire, Orléans, 2020, Foto: Martin Argyroglo




(Das griechische Wort für Meer, pontos, ist verwand mit dem lateinischen pons, die Brücke, und dem griechischen Pathos, der Pfad, schreibt Egon Fridell.
The Greek word for sea, pontos, is related to the Latin pons, the bridge, and the Greek patos, the path, Egon Fridell wrote.)


Biennale Rabat 2019, Invisible Worlds - Complexity is not an accident
mural, dimension: 9 x 5m and 6 x 5m,  Foto: Ferdinand Cibulka

Mural, Biennale Rabat 2019, Morocco, Un instant avant le monde, curater commissaire Abdelkader Damani, Wandarbeit, Brigitte Mahlknecht, Kartografie, Antikartographie, Map, Musée Mohammed VI d´art Moderne et contemporain, art and migration, Kunst und Migration

Mural, Biennale Rabat 2019, Morocco, Un instant avant le monde, curater commissaire Abdelkader Damani, Wandarbeit, Brigitte Mahlknecht, Kartografie, Antikartographie, Map, Musée Mohammed VI d´art Moderne et contemporain, Foto: Ferdinand CibulkaMural, Biennale Rabat 2019, Morocco, Un instant avant le monde, curater commissaire Abdelkader Damani, Wandarbeit, Brigitte Mahlknecht, Kartografie, Antikartographie, Map, Musée Mohammed VI d´art Moderne et contemporain,art and migration, Kunst und Migration, Wanderbewegung, Wandern, Reisen, Foto: Ferdinand Cibulka

Other Wall Works:

Wandarbeit, Mural, Graffiti
molekular, draft


Wandarbeit, Sehsaal Wien, 2017. Mural


Zeichnerinnen Wien
Wandarbeit, Sehsaal Wien, 2017


Kunst am Bau Wien Paris
Odradek, 2018, Entwurf, Fassadengestaltung Paris (nach einer Skulptur von Ann Messner)


Mural Paris Draft
2008, Entwurf Fassadengestaltung, Paris


Wandzeichnung walldrawing
2010 Bregenz, Bleistift an der Wand


In Situ walldrawing
Wandzeichnung Atelier Wien und Haus Winkler Bozen, 2004


Zeitriss, Wandzeichnung, (aus der Form eines abgestorbenen Baumes entsteht eine mentale Landkarte)
mural / Wandarbeit


2004, temporäre Wandarbeit, Bozen (Detail)


Wandzeichnung, graffito
mural / Wandarbeit / Labyrinth, 2004